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In Mauritania the human footprint is minimal, and it is the immensity of the Sahara desert and the impetus of the Atlantic Ocean that dictates the law. Our journey will take place right from the ocean, from the pristine coasts of the Banc d ‘Arguin National Park, one of the largest migratory bird sanctuaries in the world. The “desert train” will then take us to the heart of the Sahara, which we will learn about in all its changing shades: here, accompanied by our fantastic local team, we will cross hundreds of kilometers of dunes, sands and stones in a 4×4 SUV, completely disconnected from the outside world, and we will camp in mythical caravan cities and fresh oases that have almost miraculous


Very few tour operators get to venture into Mauritania. Only BHS does this with an expedition aboard the legendary “Train du Desert”: to cover the 400km that separate the Atlantic coast from the mythical Saharan region of the Adrar. We will spend 12 hours aboard the outdoor box of the longest freight train in the world, over 3 kilometers of wagons used to transport iron dust. It will be the most exciting adventure of your life!


 Under the stars of the Sahara in the desert train caisson

 Guelb el Richat, the eye of the Sahara visible from the moon

 Migratory birds and the turquoise ocean of the Banc d’Arguin

 Tea at all hours, like real Mauritanians

Where will we sleep

Berber camping sites, local hotels in Nouakchott and Chinguetti

How we will get around

4×4 SUV with driver and local guide, freight train

Trans Alps Adventure



Travel by 4×4 with local drivers in an area unaccustomed to tourism, desert and with very little infrastructure. It presents no particular physical difficulties, but requires a spirit of adaptation for the many nights in tents and on the train, with no possibility of washing with running water

Per altre informazioni sui nostri viaggi, consulta la sezione FAQ.


Day 1: Arrival in Nouakchott

Evening: Meet up in the evening in Nouakchott and transfer to the campsite by the sea for the first night

Day 2: Banc d ‘Arguin National Park

Morning: We’ll wake up, have breakfast on the beach prepared by our chef, have a quick dip and depart to Banc d ‘Arguin National Park with our 4×4 Jeep. Arrival in the late morning

Afternoon: Excursion in pinasse to the National Park of the Banc d ‘Arguin, UNESCO World Heritage Site for its incredible biodiversity, where we can admire thousands of pink flamingos and many other species of birds. Lunch and transfer to Cap Tafarit

Evening: Arrival before sunset, swim in the sea, dinner and night in Berber tents

Day 3: “Train du Desert”

Morning: Wake up, have breakfast on the beach and then departure for Nouadhibou. Arrival in the late morning, lunch and wait for the “Train du Desert”. The train operated by the SNIM mining company for the transport of iron dust between the Zouerat mine and the port of Nouadhibou, doesn’t have a fixed timetable. It may therefore be necessary to wait 3 to 8 hours before departure

Afternoon: Climbing aboard the wagon of the longest freight train in the world (up to 3 kilometres of wagons)! This takes about 12 hours to cover the 420 kilometres deep in the Sahara as far as Choum. Afternoon and evening aboard the train’s cargo bed, for the most unforgettable sunset and travel experience of your lives!

Evening: Outdoor night aboard the train’s cargo bed

Day 4: Choum and Atar

Morning: Arrival of the train in Choum, either at night or at dawn. Travel to the village to have a shower and breakfast, guests in a local family

Afternoon: Continuation of the journey in a 4×4 SUV along the desert that leads to Atar, the main town of the Adrar region. Stop along the way to grab some lunch on the road. Visit the fascinating Atar Market, an authentic mosaic of Saharan colours and traditions. Travel to the desert at the borders of Atar for the night

Evening: Setting up the open fielded tent, dinner under the stars and night in the desert

Day 5: El Beyedh, Richat and Ouadane

Morning: A day entirely dedicated to the Sahara, following an itinerary of over 12 hours immersed in the desert. The end and the views however will not be monotonous: beaten tracks, dunes of soft sand and bitter stones will alternate along the way. Stop off at the El Beyedh Desert Museum, a project created by the NGO Children in the Desert

Afternoon: Visit of the Richat Structure, also called “Eye of the Sahara”, impressive and mysterious circular geological structure, of uncertain origin, measuring about 40km in diameter. Continuation for Ouadane

Evening: Arrival and preparation of the pitched field, dinner and overnight stay

Day 6: Chinguetti

Morning: Visit to the old town of Ouadane, founded in 1147 by the Berber tribe Idalwa el Hadji. This was an important stop along the caravan routes at the time, which today has almost completely been incorporated by the desert. Departure for Chinguetti, late morning arrival, check-in and lunch at the hotel

Afternoon: Relax in the hotel and in the streets of Chinguetti. Seventh holy city of Islam, formerly a ksar and an important centre along the caravan routes of the Sahara between Marrakech and Timbouctou. It is famous for its 24 libraries, where you can admire some of the oldest manuscripts of Islamic culture

Evening: Return to the hotel, dinner and a dancing evening

Day 7: Terjit and Benichab Oasis

Morning: Wake up early, breakfast and departure to the oasis of Mhairith, with a pit stop to admire the fantastic panorama from above. Continuation to the Terjit oasis, inhabited by some local breeders’ families, with the possibility of taking a dip in the cool waters in the shadow of a fascinating date palm forest

Afternoon: Lunch in Terjit and transfer to Benichab. Here is where we can find one of the few mineral springs in Mauritania that you can see unusual meadows of green grass from the desert

Evening: Setting up of the camp in the surroundings of Benichab, dinner and night in the desert

Day 8: Nouakchott

Morning: Wake up very early, breakfast and departure to Nouakchott. Arrival in the capital and lunch in a restaurant along the long Nouakchott beach

Afternoon: In the early afternoon we’ll walk to the beach on the occasion of the return of the fishermen. This is when hundreds of crews and colourful wooden boats flock to the beach, unloading tons of fresh fish. Visit the adjacent fish market, one of the largest and most photogenic in Africa. Arrival at the hotel, check-in and relaxing in the garden

Evening: Dinner and night in Nouakchott

Day 9: Coming to an end…

Morning: check out in the morning and it’s time to go again. We bid farewell to our fellow travelers and hope to see you again on the next trip!

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  • volo internazionale
  • spostamenti in auto 4×4
  • tutti i pernottamenti con prima colazione
  • guida locale parlante italiano
  • assicurazione medica (fino a 100.000€)


Bagaglio da stiva, cassa BHS, extra, spese personali e quanto non espressamente indicato


  • benzina
  • spese del coordinatore e del team locale: 1 driver ogni 4 persone, 1 guida, 1 cocaio
  • noleggio materiale da campeggio: tende, tende berbere, attrezzatura da cucina
  • tutti i pasti



Required, it is given on arrival at the Nouakchott airport at the cost of 55€


Not necessary. It is however advisable to consult your doctor and the website  for any health precautions before departure

Forms of documentation (ID)

Passport that is valid for 6 months from the day of return

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