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Desert island, lost paradise: it is easy to fall into clichés when it comes to Socotra. What is certain is that Socotra is an island unique in the world. What makes it special is its isolation which has contributed to the development of endemic animal and plant species with bizarre contours. The dragon blood tree and the bottle tree for example (which also allow the island to maintain a magical aura) almost belonging to another world, to another era. Deserted beaches, among the most beautiful on our planet, tall dunes of white sand, canyons and colourful valleys dotted with natural pools and small remote villages will give us unique images and experiences that we’ll cherish for life


We will embark on a journey on the road with a 4×4 SUV within and around the island itself. It will not be a 5-star trip: there are no hotels or electricity outside of Hadibo in Socotra. We will then spend seven days in contact with the most unspoilt and wild nature, led by an expert local guide, camping in tents in the most beautiful spots on the island. It will be an authentic wild adventure, discovering one of the most beautiful corners of our planet


The natural infinity pool of Homhil

Qalansiya and Detwah lagoon

The dragon tree forest at Diksam

The romantic dunes and beach of Arher 

Where will we sleep

Tent in Socotra, hotel in Abu Dhabi

How we will get around

4×4 Jeep with local drivers

Trans Alps Adventure



4×4 trip with local drivers, in a place unaccustomed to tourism, with almost nonexistent infrastructure and services (there is, however, telephone coverage). Nights are planned in tents in wild camping mode, requiring flexibility and adaptability, and only one night in a hotel in Hadibo

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Day 1: Arrival in Abu Dhabi

DAY 1: we’ll meet up in Abu Dhabi and spend the night in a hotel in Abu Dhabi

Day 2: Arrival in Socotra: Dihamri

Morning: transfer to Abu Dhabi Airport and flight to Socotra Island, a lost paradise of the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Somalia and south of Yemen. Arrival at Hadibo Airport, main island village, meeting with local guide and lunch in Hadibo

Afternoon: transfer to Dihamri Marine Reserve, home to one of the richest coral reefs in Socotra. Relaxing on the beach, snorkeling or diving in the reserve, where you can spot various reef species and, with a little luck, sea turtles

Evening: dinner and first night in a tent in the Dihamri reserve

Day 3: Qaria and Homhil Lagoon

Morning: transfer to the protected area of Homhil, in the eastern hinterland of the island. We’ll stop off at the Qaria lagoon along the way, the largest in Socotra, and a must-see destination for birdwatchers thanks to the numerous herons and flamingos that populate it

Afternoon: arrival at the protected area of Homhil, which occupies a barren and desert plateau, where you can walk to a natural “infinity pool” from which a beautiful view of the east coast of Socotra opens up. In Homhil it will also be possible to walk among frankincense trees, a source of wealth for local populations over the centuries. We will also learn about one of the symbols of the island, the dragon’s blood tree, whose resin is collected, used as a dye and traded by the inhabitants of Socotra

Evening: dinner and evening in the tented camp in Homhil

Day 4: Hoq and Arher Cave

Morning: transfer to the east, with scenic drive through rugged valleys covered with endemic vegetation, among which the curious bottle trees stand out. Trek of about two hours to the entrance of the cave of Hoq. For a further 2km of trek inside the limestone cavity, propped up with underground ponds and impressive groups of colossal stalactites and stalagmites. Continuation towards the eastern tip of the island

Afternoon: arrival in Arher, a magical place located at the eastern end of Socotra. Here an oasis created by a freshwater stream slopes into a snow-white beach bathed by the ocean, in correspondence with a very high white sand dune from which you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the coast and the Indian Ocean

Evening: dinner and evening on the pitch at Arher

Day 5: Aomak and the South Coast

Morning: drive to the south coast of Socotra, with stops in the small rural villages along the Defarhu wadi. Possible detour for a short trek in the Wadi Kalissan, with its emerald green natural pools dug into the white limestone walls. Once we arrive on the coast, we’ll visit the cave of Dagub and the colossal dunes of Hayf and Zahek, of fine white sand: you can climb them to admire the beautiful views that open on the southern coast

Afternoon: arrival at Aomak beach, relaxing and taking a dip in the idyllic crystalline waters of the Indian Ocean. They create a wonderful contrast with the high white sand dunes that surround the beach to the north

Evening: dinner and evening on the Aomak beach

Day 6: Diksam Plateau

Morning: travel to the desert highlands of the interior of Socotra, where you can admire some of the most incredible landscapes of the island. Visit the plateau and the Diksam Gorge, with trekking on the edge of the gorges and visit the shepherds’ houses that inhabit this inaccessible place. Continuation of the trek in the nearby forest of Fermhin, the place with the highest concentration of dragon blood trees in the world, one of the most magical on the island

Afternoon: descent of about 400 meters into the plateau, and relax in the oasis of Wadi Dirhur, with its natural pools surrounded by high rock walls

Evening: dinner and evening on the tented field on the Diksam plateau

Day 7: Detwah Lagoon and Shoab

Morning: new move to the coast, arrival at Qalansiya and Detwah Lagoon, marine protected area, known for its ethereal white sandy tongues surrounded by the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean that blend with those of the Arabian Sea. Detwah Lagoon is one of the iconic places of Socotra, one of the most scenic beaches on our planet, and a great spot to enjoy a dip in shallow and sheltered waters

Afternoon: visit of Qalansiya, picturesque fishing village on the west coast, and boat trip to Shoab beach, accessible only by sea, remote and beautiful, where Socotra really approaches the perfect imaginary of the desert and uncontaminated island. To add a touch of magic, there’ll be a journey at sea on board local boats, accompanied by groups of playful dolphins

Evening: Dinner and evening on the Qalansiya court

Day 8: Hadibo and Delisha Beach

Morning: transfer to Hadibo, and visit the main village of Socotra, dusty and lively, the only place in the whole island where you can access electricity and telephone lines. There’s also its fish market that is worth a visit

Afternoon: visit to the Delisha beach, one of the most beautiful on the north coast of Socotra. It’s recognizable due to it having a steep dune that descends from a promontory throwing itself headlong into the deep blue sea. Lastly, the unforgettable sunset of the trip to Delisha beach

Evening: dinner and evening in the tented camp in Delisha

Day 9: Returning to Abu Dhabi

DAY 9: Transfer to Hadibo and flight to Abu Dhabi. Arrival in Abu Dhabi in order to say our final goodbye over a cup of coffee

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  • Voli Italia – Abu Dhabi a/r
  • Voli Abu Dhabi – Socotra a/r
  • Tutti i pernottamenti con colazioni: 3 notti Abu Dhabi (hotel con camera condivisa doppia/tripla)  + 7 notti in tenda (singola / doppia per coppie)
  • Coordinatore BHS dall’Italia
  • Assicurazione medica con copertura Covid-19 (max. 100.000€ spese mediche + «cover stay» fino a 2.500€)
  • Tutti gli spostamenti in 4×4 a Socotra


Cassa comune, extra, spese personali e quanto non espressamente indicato


  • Tutti i pranzi e le cene a Socotra
  • Visto yemenita per Socotra
  • Spese del coordinatore
  • Guida locale a Socotra + mance
  • Trasferimenti aeroportuali a Abu Dhabi



Necessario. La procedura per il rilascio del visto sarà attivata da BHS Travel tramite agenzia partner successivamente alla prenotazione 


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